A comprehensive approach to the tummy tuck, for a functional and aesthetically optimized result

a woman's stomach with c-section scar

Bring Belly Back

We all know that pregnancy changes everything- especially our bodies. For too long, women have been told to expect that they would never look or feel the same again. I suggest that you deserve the unusual luxury of getting your belly back after babies; and it's more than just a beauty thing.

It's not just about the scar

C-section scars are not known for their discretion, but there is a lot more to belly repair than just how it will look later. The abdominal wall is made up of many muscles, skin, fat, and layers of tissue called fascia that keep your wall strong and help it work right.

In order to get to the baby in the womb, all of these layers are divided, like a triple decker sandwich cut in half. But traditional wall repair only involves closing some of these layers. So what happens to the rest? It sticks together randomly, usually creating dents and step-offs, and also a less-than-beautiful scar.

diagram of female musculature

Muscle and Fascia

The rectus muscles are supposed to lie straight down the abdominal wall, and they need to be connected from top to bottom in one continuous layer in order to work right. If they separate side to side or if they are not properly repaired top to bottom, they cannot contract as a unit. The end result is poor belly strength, and sometimes even trouble going to the bathroom.

woman's stomach


The separation down the middle between the rectus muscles is called a diastasis recti. This happens more often than not, and leads to weakness and bulging in the middle of the belly. It can even lead to hernias down the road. While targeted exercises can help strengthen the rectus muscle, repair and re-centering is the only way to get things back where they belong.

Once the muscles are centered and repaired, targeted rebalancing can get you back where you belong. Restoring your abdominal wall strength will also help re-balance your back, which by now must be killing you.

road sign reading c-section and vaginal birthCESAREAN SECTION surgery originally started as a trauma operation. The goal was to get the baby out alive- even though for years that meant that the mother would not make it. The incision was made straight down the middle, and bleeding was often uncontrolled. Over time, and with advances in surgical techniques, surgeons were able to get the baby out without sacrificing the mother, a huge step for modern medicine.

Over the years, surgical techniques expanded to include transverse incisions under the waistline, allowing for a hidden final scar, and better suture material to allow the uterus to recover for future pregnancies. But progress stopped there.

While c-sections used to be a small minority of all births, today they have become the norm. There are many reasons why patients and their doctors lean towards surgery rather than vaginal birth even without a medical indication, and a lot of politics around the issue. But the crucial part of so many c-sections being performed is the fact that few new moms achieve a proper wall reconstruction either during or after the birth of their child. Women are told to accept the fact that they can’t empty their bladders, or exercise like they  used to. And they are especially told to accept the hanging skin, stretch marks, and unsightly bulges we have all come to know in varying degrees.

woman in yoga poseNON SURGICAL REHAB

Whether or not you’ve had a c-section, whether or not you’ve had a baby, you need your core. It’s called your core for a reason- your body’s entire balance depends on it.

After pregnancy, your belly loses its stability- and this throws everything off. And the weaker your belly gets, the weaker your back will be. All balance is lost, and the cycle perpetuates itself.

Restoring your core happens through more than just surgery- it happens with targeted exercises and strength training. It happens through a methodical approach with an experienced guide. And it becomes a lifestyle rather than a fitness program.

Meet my team of Core Experts, including fitness, physical therapy, acupuncture and holistic medicine. Visit THE CORE CURRICULUM NYC, and teach your body to find itself again – better than ever before. 


My mommy mission is to educate both surgeons and their patients in the principles of BELLY RESTORATION. This includes scar revision, re-centering the rectus muscles, repairing and tightening the fascia, non surgical strength training, and treating bulky or darkened lines. I believe that every mom can have – and deserves – an even better belly than the one she had before baby. Let’s lead the way in bringing belly back- and better than ever! Call to schedule a consultation or if you want more information when planning your c-section delivery. SEE GALLERY.