a woman's upper body

Your Must-Read Cosmetic Surgery Blog Spot

Removed breast implant

If I Remove My Implants, Do I Have to Replace Them?

There are many reasons why you might or need your implants removed. It could be because of a complication like capsular contracture or rupture, because of a malposition, or simply because “It’s time.” As one of my patients once said to me, “I’m just done with them.” The decision to remove breast implants is personal

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graphic showing breast implant placement

The Pre-Pec Pocket Change

For more than a decade, I have been refining my technique for breast augmentation. During that time, I have also been unique in my preference of sub-glandular implant placement. I was trained to perform the procedure by placing the implants under the muscle, but I have looked past that habit with a challenging and practical

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a cherry with two sections

Symmastia Is Anything But Simple

Symmastia is the kind of word you only know if it happened to you. And this is usually not a good time. Simply put, it happens when the two breasts on your body meet in the middle, forming a uni-boob as they become one unit. Symmastia is usually the result of breast augmentation surgery, where

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doctor stacking blocks with graphics on them

Is Breast Reduction Surgery Covered By Insurance?

In the health insurance arena, there are procedures that are clearly medical, like an appendectomy, and others that are clearly cosmetic, like a facelift. Medical procedures, provided they are indicated and the patient meets criteria, are generally covered by insurance. Cosmetic procedures are considered non-medical, and they are usually not covered. Breast reduction surgery is

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surgeon holding breast implant

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Breast implants, like all products, have a lifespan. They age slowly, and as they get older, the risk of an implant-related complication gets bigger. The exact time at which they should be considered “too old,” however, is not an exact science. This can lead to significant confusion when patients try to figure out whether or

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woman in bikini

The Ballerina Breast

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, and few elements define the female form as they do. They attract, they feed, and they change. In the years that I have been focusing on cosmetic breast surgery, I have come to reinforce my long-held belief that shape is a lot more important than size when it

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a woman pointing to axillary breast tissue

Why Is There Another Breast in My Armpit?

Ever wonder why your breast is supposed to be in front of you, but sometimes it ends up in your armpit? Well, there are two reasons why that may be happening. The first possibility is that your breasts are too large or too wide for your frame. In that case, some of the tissue might

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